QuickSleeper hands-on training with our experienced dentists who have been using QuickSleeper and giving Painless Dental Injections for years
You do not need to buy the Quicksleeper to attend this training. We will provide you with the device and models to complete the trainings.
You can buy the QuickSleeper buy ordering it online at this page.
You can register for the QuickSleeper hands-on training buy registering on this page here.
Date: November 9th, 2023
Time: 6 p.m.
Venue: DOCS, 240 Catherine Street, 4th
Floor, Ottawa, ON K2P 2GB
Price: Free.
Food and Refreshments will be served.
Register with [email protected]
Instructor: Dr. Jaideep Lal
Dr. Lal has over 30 years of experience as a general dentist. He is a Quicksleeper trainer and key opinion leader. A user himself and many dentists learned the Quicksleeper technique with him. Dr. Lal will train and teach you the basic Quicksleeper techniques.
Master the most efficient technique to achieve profound anesthesia immediately and without failure.
No collateral numbness as the lips and tongue are not affected.
Maximum efficiency on mandibular molars since you get immediate profound anesthesia, clinically proven to be more efficient than the IA nerve block for mandibular molars (even on lower molars with “Hot Tooth” irreversible pulpitis).
Build a brand that attracts and retains patients by differentiating yourself and develop your practice image by offering your patients the most comfortable experience available.